A lot of food for thought there, Bob. I agree with most of what you said. My background is MAGA Torah-observant Jew. I voted for Trump 4 times, including 2 primaries and 2 generals. My friends were amused (and sometimes unhappy) about my choice in the spring of 2016, but they caught up with me over the next few months and years.
Then came 2020, and lockdowns, and "warp speed", and trashing all the public-health guidance of decades. The injection is still Trump's proudest accomplishment, but according to the CDC (VAERS), it has caused over 31 thousand deaths and over 61 thousand permanent disabilities. Those numbers are almost certainly understated. Should Trump win the 2024 presidential nomination, you can bet that establishment media will be instructed to begin reporting on injection injuries and deaths, and reminding you that Trump cut corners on vax development, which usually takes 8 years on average.
Of course I was furious about the dinner with West, Yiannopoulos, and especially Fuentes. You might also have mentioned Trump's ungracious swipes at Governor DeSantis (highest approval rating among major political leaders) and Governor Youngkin ("His name sounds Chinese"...?????). I wonder if his age is kicking in. Being 4 years younger than Biden, were Trump elected, he would be in the same cognitive cohort as the current resident.
I differ only on the attribution of 2022 election losses to Trump. After what I saw and read concerning Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, there is no doubt in my mind that these 5 states are profoundly corrupt. They refuse to declare results on the night of the election. They always manage to find enough votes from somewhere to pull off a come-from-behind victory for the Democrat, by a few hundred or thousand votes. Do you really believe that Biden got 81 million votes, or that Fetterman beat Oz, or that a state Secretary of State (Hobbs) would honestly call an election for governor in which she is one of the candidates? No way!
With that out of the way, the Second Commandment forbids us to engage in idolatry, including Trumpolatry, which is dogma for too many MAGA people. It is time to move on. The most accomplished MAGA chief executive in America is Governor Ron DeSantis. Trump can tweet about building the wall, but if DeSantis promises it, I believe it will actually get done. I am ready for Ron in 2024.
Of course, the 2024 election will be stolen as well, which is why I support secession. But we can leave that for another day... :)
A lot of food for thought there, Bob. I agree with most of what you said. My background is MAGA Torah-observant Jew. I voted for Trump 4 times, including 2 primaries and 2 generals. My friends were amused (and sometimes unhappy) about my choice in the spring of 2016, but they caught up with me over the next few months and years.
Then came 2020, and lockdowns, and "warp speed", and trashing all the public-health guidance of decades. The injection is still Trump's proudest accomplishment, but according to the CDC (VAERS), it has caused over 31 thousand deaths and over 61 thousand permanent disabilities. Those numbers are almost certainly understated. Should Trump win the 2024 presidential nomination, you can bet that establishment media will be instructed to begin reporting on injection injuries and deaths, and reminding you that Trump cut corners on vax development, which usually takes 8 years on average.
Of course I was furious about the dinner with West, Yiannopoulos, and especially Fuentes. You might also have mentioned Trump's ungracious swipes at Governor DeSantis (highest approval rating among major political leaders) and Governor Youngkin ("His name sounds Chinese"...?????). I wonder if his age is kicking in. Being 4 years younger than Biden, were Trump elected, he would be in the same cognitive cohort as the current resident.
I differ only on the attribution of 2022 election losses to Trump. After what I saw and read concerning Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, there is no doubt in my mind that these 5 states are profoundly corrupt. They refuse to declare results on the night of the election. They always manage to find enough votes from somewhere to pull off a come-from-behind victory for the Democrat, by a few hundred or thousand votes. Do you really believe that Biden got 81 million votes, or that Fetterman beat Oz, or that a state Secretary of State (Hobbs) would honestly call an election for governor in which she is one of the candidates? No way!
With that out of the way, the Second Commandment forbids us to engage in idolatry, including Trumpolatry, which is dogma for too many MAGA people. It is time to move on. The most accomplished MAGA chief executive in America is Governor Ron DeSantis. Trump can tweet about building the wall, but if DeSantis promises it, I believe it will actually get done. I am ready for Ron in 2024.
Of course, the 2024 election will be stolen as well, which is why I support secession. But we can leave that for another day... :)